I'm going to have a hash at recording my notes and thoughts. They're not supposed to be perfect, but more informal and regular. I'm not setting myself strict rules here, either. I'll probably post about quite a range of things.
My plan, in part, is for me to capture what I'm focused on and heading towards and for others to see what I'm about at any time.
Well, that's the idea anyway. Let's see if it stops at two posts or goes any further.
I don't have direction now, so let's see how it evolves.
So, Let's Go...
- I've been massively enjoying working with AI and building some fun projects like Scapegen using the DALLE 3 API.
- I've also been using AI Photoshop and messing around with Adobe Firefly and Stable Video and have had some awesome results. I would like to get better at prompting; what others can make can be seriously impressive. Created the below in a couple of minutes with Stable Video.
- I want to jump into Three.js and WebGL fairly soon and focus on building full-stack projects.
- Typescript is also a daily goal, so expect many of my notes to be around that. I think I have a good plan now for learning.
- Otherwise, I've been quite focused on eating healthy, so I'd quite like to build something that can aid me around that, too. I had a few ideas for a side project around this...
Cheers to something new!